We ensure that all electrical equipment that is classified as “portable” is certificated deemed safe for use.

PAT Testing

The Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 make it a legal requirement for electrical equipment to be properly and regularly maintained to prevent danger. While the law does not specify how this should be done or how often, inspections of electrical equipment must be arranged and testing may also be required.

At Gemini Fire & Electrical our testing services adhere to all legislation relevant to electrical maintenance, ensuring electrical safety at work.

Gemini Fire & Electrical Ltd is a leading expert in and provider of PAT testing services (Portable Appliance Testing). This is a specialised processes which ensures that electrical appliances comply fully with UK legislation and where necessary, are tested and certified

A PAT test certificate and full report are provided, listing all assets inspected and tested, their locations and results. This satisfies the requirements of the HSE Memorandum of Guidance (HSR25) for records that should be kept. Through our fast, efficient and cost-effective portable appliance testing using the latest equipment, Gemini Fire & Electrical gives businesses total peace of mind, knowing they have taken the right steps to ensure equipment is safe for use – both on- and off-site – and they can be happy that the health and safety of their people has protected.

Testing includes:

The process is recognised by the insurance industry and without up to date risk assessments or test certificates, insurance companies may invalidate your policy.

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has published ‘Electricity at work: Safe working practices’ – a guidance booklet for managers and supervisors who control or influence the design, specification, selection, installation, commissioning, maintenance or operation of electrical equipment.

Note: this is a formal inspection not to be confused with standard user checks that are regularly carried out.

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