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The following information is provided for guidance only, and should not be used as a reference for legal requirements.

The signs below are coloured as for luminescent signs, which absorb light energy and glow in the dark.


EEC Fire Signage

British Standard Fire Signage

There is confusion over which of the above designs is correct. The answer is that both are legal, however most authorities recommend the British Standard version as it is more widely understood, and was recently endorsed by the International Standards Organisation (ISO), for ISO 6309: Fire Protection - Safety Signs.

The signs depicted on this web site are of British Standard design, which Gemini Fire & Safety Solutions recommends.

Whichever design is chosen, it should be consistent throughout, a mixture of designs should not be used within the same premises.

British Standard Fire Signage NHS Version

A third design of sign is preferred by the NHS which is similar to the BS version, but includes flames. This sign is also well understood, and is quite acceptable.


Contact us about your Signage

    What service's are you interested in?

    Graphic symbol, Front lit
    Graphic symbol, Back lit
    Directional Arrow
    Supplementary Text


    Progress forward from here
    Progress down from here
    Progress to the left from here
    Progress to the right from here
    Progress down to the left
    Progress up to the left
    Progress down to the right
    Progress up to the right

    USE of SUPPLEMENTARY TEXT - Every escape route sign should include supplementary text to assist in the understanding of the sign.

    EXIT - Used to indicate the conventional route leading out of a building.

    FIRE EXIT - Used to indicate an escape route provided specifically to be used in the event of an evacuation.

    EXIT for emergency use only - Similar to FIRE EXIT, but should not be used close to FIRE EXIT signs. They should also be used instead of FIRE EXIT and STAFF ONLY or PRIVATE signs together, which could cause confusion.



    SIZE of SIGNS:

    "Signs should be sufficiently large and clear so that they can be easily seen and understood"

    Safety signs and Signals Regulations 1996 Luminescent signs can be seen more easily than plain signs, and can therefore generally be smaller.

    The following sizes are in mm, and are for guidance only. Sizes should be assessed on the above criteria in each individual case.


    Signs should be located in the normal field of vision, and should be prominent, taking precedence over all other signs, ie they should not have to ‘compete’ with other signs

    FIXING HEIGHTS (From floor to base of sign)

    Over doors & open spaces: 2 – 2.5m to the base of the sign; Wall fixed: 1.7 – 2m to the base of the sign. Large open spaces such as factories and warehouses: as appropriate.